Life is too short to do something that doesn't bring you joy.


What you think about you is who you will become.


You are in control of your thoughts, actions, and destiny.



Most would describe me as a mother, mindset mentor, medium, manifestation expert, spiritual guide, author, entrepreneur and real estate investment expert. But in reality, I am so much more than that. And so are you.

Society may put us in boxes, but that doesn't mean we have to stay there. So let's break free from who we think we should be and start living the fulfilling life we deserve.

Join me on a journey of self-love, self-discovery, and unapologetic confidence.



Host and Speaker on this very unique Podcast about the power of our minds to create from the non-physical.

Available in German now. In English coming soon!


Adora & her Fedora

Author of the book series about manifesting, empowering children to listen to their own guiding system and helping them see the non-physical world.



My mission is to empower individuals with the belief that anything is possible and equip them with the tools to cultivate a profound sense of self. I am driven by the conviction that by helping others gain knowledge and inner strength, I contribute to creating a better world where everyone can thrive and benefit collectively. My commitment is to inspire and guide my clients on their journey to unlimited potential and positive transformation.


If you're ready to walk away from your own limiting beliefs and build a life you love, I am ready to lead the way. 


From a young age, I effortlessly manifested everything that came to my mind. I was born in the former Sovjet Union and moved to Germany at the age of 3. I studied Information Management in Germany and the USA, earning a master's degree.

After giving birth to my daughter Adora in 2018 I suffered from depression and slowly started to understand that if my mindset it that powerful to make me suffer, it can bring me just as much joy and happiness. This led to reading over 50 books, attending more than 20 seminars, online courses and receiving trainings in Mindset, NLP, Sales, Personal Development, Manifestation, Spirituality and Energy Work. I developed multiple unique courses because there was no such course that would cover all the fields combined. Those courses not only help you understand the vast knowledge I learned throughout my many years of experience in a short amount of time but also guide you in its practical application.

I have created my dream life and continues to shape my personal dream reality month by month. By gaining financial freedom through real estate investments with my own 0-Downpayment Strategy I was able to focus on my passion fully. With my residence in Dubai, I have set a remarkable example for many single mothers, demonstrating that even relocating with a small child is a matter of mindset and presents no problem at all.

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"It's an indescribable feeling of gratitude and joy that I can hardly put into words. Katharina is open, empathetic, and authentic. In a very short time, she completely changed my beliefs and directed my gaze towards the future, expanding my horizons of possibilities. It's amazing how many opportunities I suddenly see, how many wonderful people I'm getting to know, and how my attitude towards money has changed."


"Through Katharina, I've had the privilege of receiving so many incredible tools and profound knowledge. Furthermore, I've been able to explore many triggers through her coaching, and I've grown immensely from them. I have developed a deeper self-confidence in myself and the possibilities of my life, and I know that I can start anew every day - I've become more courageous."